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How to prepare for when a Hurricane approaches?


A simple question yes? No it's not. Even professionals are challenged at times. For yourself and your family you should have a ready go to plan in place, and the sooner you do this could mean life or death. So where do you begin? Well...


 With paper and pen in hand write down what you and or your family's needs are.

 If you feel the need to leave your home or if you are going to ride it out the storm? You have to make that choose.


Tips you can follow:


1. When you hear on the news whether on tv or radio that a storm is approaching that should be the time to start preparing, not later.

2. Keep tuned in for up to the hour reports on where the storm is heading and how it will affect you and your town -local area.

3. FEMA has a website you can visit for all the information you may need conserning any storm readyness plan for you and your family. Go to: , or your local REDCROSS chapter go to:

4. Some items you should have on hand at all times: extra food,water bottled works best and is easy to store, dry trail mixes, canned soups, canned vegetables and pastas, peanut butter and jams, crackers, or any kind of foods you and your family like to eat based on normal habits.

5. Don't forget the elderly and your pets too!


...and Please remember to alway's be prepared!

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