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No Food!


  New to prepping... where to start?  


"Prepping" where do you start?  Beginning to prep can be confusing and frustrating with out direction.  That is why we developed the "Beginning Prepper Guide" by our prepping experts at Survival Supplies Plus.  Prepping all starts with the first question. What is your prepping purpose / goal.  

Is it for SHORT TERM PREPPING: Such as natural disasters, (hurricanes, tornados, floods, lose of electrical power)

LONG TERM PREPPING: The fear of our current economic crises. Such as the fall of the economy and devaluing of our dollar.  The fear of food rationing or empty grocery store shelves, gasoline rationing or fuel shortages, unsustainable unemployment. The inability for our government to bail out our big employers.  Whatever the reason you will need to be prepared.  


No matter your prepping reason we can guide you to achieve your goals both efficiently and effectively to ensure you are Prepared and safe for when you need it! 


Our experts suggest you always start with the basics and they are the same no matter if your prepping is short term or long term: 


The #1 item that any prepper can not live with out is a 72 Hour supply B.O.Bag.

 What's a B.O.Bag? your thinking. Well preppers like to call it a Bug out Bag,.. B.O.B. simple as that. It's a duffle bag or backpack or any bag you feel suits your needs and liking. A bag you would fill with items you would and could need in say a 72 hour time frame should you and or your family might have to leave your house, home, apartment,...etc. in a short amount of time, and may be gone for a few days, thus the 72 hour time frame. Now what to put in this bag? Think for a minute, what are some of the things you use everyday? Food, (Freeze Dried) works the best, Water, (Bottled Spring Water) , Clothing (socks, undergarments etc...), Blankets, Medicine, First-Aid, Radio, Flashlight, Batteries, Toilet paper, and other hygiene items. I could go on and on. Now if it's just for yourself it's easy, but if you have a family, wife, children, older parents, relatives, they need a bag too! and you have to pack it for their special needs. So where to begin?


Well you can just start with the basics, but the time to start is now! Why wait another day. If you want to begin light and slow you can. Take it in step by step as you go. The bag, we have many great bags you can start with at  Survival Supplies


Below is a list of essentials your  B.O.B. should have.  Remember you will need one Bag for every person you are prepping for, childeren too!



1. Bag- any good quality bag will do, round gym bag, backpack, duffle bag. etc...

2. Food- pre-package freeze dried, canned, trail mix, snacks, peanut butter, jelly.

3. Water- water filters, water pureafiier tablets, bottled spring water (by the case).

4. Pocket stove- esbit, stove in a can, etc...waterproof matches, fuel tablets.

5.Extra clothes- shirt, pants, under clothes, warm thermals, shoes, socks.

6. First-aid- kits, medicines, medical kits, vitamins.

7. Power- batteries, radio, cellphones, walkie talkies, car chargers. 


Extra additions- to you're bug out bag:

8. Thermal blankets- cotton blend, wool, space age mylar thermal.

9. Bug out vehical- you're car, truck, suv, van, etc... should be in good condition and ready to travel, have full tanks of fuel, plus extra 5gal. cans just in case you need to travel far.

10. Plan a route- know how and where you are going to, and know alt routes should you have to change at the last mintue, don't rely on GPS! to get you and famliy there.





No Gas!

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